Val Stori
Val Stori is a Project Director for the Clean Energy States Alliance, where she leads projects focused on building electrification and offshore wind policy. She coordinates a multi-state initiative to develop renewable heating and cooling tools that support and accelerate the deployment of renewable heating and cooling technologies. She co-directs CESA’s offshore wind project, focused on regional state cooperation to decrease costs and accelerate market growth. She has also managed projects focused on stakeholder outreach, small wind turbines, bioenergy, and biomass thermal. She currently coordinates working groups on renewable thermal and bioenergy. She has co-authored several reports, including Case Studies of RPS Best Practices: Solar Carve-outs, SREC Tracking, and Thermal Inclusion; Distributed Wind Energy Zoning and Permitting: A Toolkit for Local Governments; and Environmental Rules for Hydropower in State Renewable Portfolio Standards. She currently sits on the board of several non-profits, including the Friends of Nepal, and sits on the Town of Underhill’s Planning Commission. She holds a B.A. from Middlebury College and a Master of Studies in Environmental Law from the Vermont Law School.
Val is currently participating in Yale's Financing and Deploying Clean Energy certificate program. She is also serving as a Program Ambassador to help those interested learn more about the certificate.